Thou shalt have no other sports before Thee.
Thou shalt not throw the puck blindly up the middle.
Thou shalt not shoot pucks at thy goalie's groin during warm-ups.
Thou shalt honour thy blue line and thy goal crease.
Thou shalt not enter the neutral zone with thy head down.
Thou shalt not throw sticks
(unless thy want to hurt thyself or see the rest of thy game from thy locker room).
Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy video replay official.
Thou shalt not take stupid penalties in the third period.
Thou shalt not stand and wave towels like an idiot when the opposing team scores.
Thou shalt not root for the Blackhawks or Red Wings.
Thou shalt not talk on thy cell phone during a game.
Thou shalt take thy man and not thy puck.