Position played: Centre
number of years played:13 (on and off)
previous teams played for: Stevenage rattle snakes, stevenage cobra's, peterborough jets, peterborough fen
tigers, bracknell blackhawks, and slough phantoms
biggest hockey influence: my mum for supporting me through all the years, paying for my hockey a junior and taking me
around the country for games and training.
best hockey memory: scoring the first goal for England South senior womens team. Also in junior hockey being top points
scorer in the team (being the only girl)
worst hockey memory: Last season, first and only time i got benched for a whole game, just getting on the ice for warm
favorite ice rink you have played in: Ice sheffield
occupation: pharmacutical Machine operator
favorite food:Pasta
favorite tv show: Home and Away
first car: White F reg Fiesta
whats a good night out? Going out clubbing, dancing the night away
how would you improve womens hockey in this country: promote womens ice hockey. Better training times, more training,
more concentration on improving the skill levels throughtout womens ice hockey. A seperate league which plays full contact
and body checking, as yuo go up through junior hockeybeing able to play contact, then go up into womens hockey and its not
contact (non checking)