Position played: Defence
Number: 15
Number of seasons played: 5
Previous teams played for: Basingstoke Bears
Favourite NHL team: Detroit Red Wings
Favourite UK team: Basingstoke and Bracknell
Most admired NHL player: N. Lindstrom
Most admired player in the British game: Matt Cote
Biggest hockey influence: British Players, previous coaches
Best hockey memory: First Game
Worst hockey memory: Last injury (hitting Neil Moss
and bouncing off badly)
Favourite rink you’ve played in: Basingstoke
Occupation: Assistant Manager
Favourite food: Chocolate
Favourite tv show: House
First car: Fiesta
What’s a good night out: Remembering how I got home
How would you improve Women’s hockey in this country:
Better image of the sport, more female coaches, sensible training, ice time generally
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