Position played: Defence
Number: # 7
Number of seasons played: 16
Previous teams played for: None - Always played for Basingstoke
Favourite NHL team: New York Rangers
Favourite UK team: Bison
Most admired NHL player: Sidney Crosby
Most admired player in the British
game: Again no preference
Biggest hockey influence: Colin Jarrold
Best hockey memory: Playing for southern England
Worst hockey memory: Thats got to be the first challenge game played against
hellcats rec. team - Total embarrassment!!
Favourite rink you’ve played in: Bracknell
Occupation: Learning Support Assistant in a Primary School
Favourite food: Indian
Favourite tv show: Friends
First Car: Ford Fiesta
What’s a good night out: Meal and drinks out with my husband Francis
How would you improve Women’s hockey in this country: give it a profile
like it has in the USA and Canada- Advertise it more, get younger girls involved as a school activity.